In the Users section, all the users that belong to this GFI AppManager Account are listed.
This section allows reviewing and managing the Organization or Account users.
Users cannot be just added to an AppManager account. Instead, they must be invited and are automatically added once they have completed the registration process (as in step 1 of the Account Registration article), verified their email, and signed in for the first time.
By default, the user who created the AppManager account will be listed. Once other users have joined, they will also be listed. Administrators can see which user is assigned to which account.
Administrators of the Main Account have an OrgAdmin role and have access directly to every single Account within the Organization.
The list can be searched and filtered using the and
buttons, respectively. The list columns are First Name, Last Name, Email, Status, Role, 2FA Status, Account Name, Last Login, and Created.
There are several actions available in this section:
Change 2FA Status
It is possible to enable or disable 2FA for a particular user via the slider in the 2FA Status column:
Change the User Account
Organization Admins can reassign a user to a different account if needed:
- Locate the user.
- Click on the Edit icon.
- Choose an account (organization).
- Click on the Submit button.
Invite a User
- Click the + INVITE USER button
- In the pop-up dialogue enter the email address of the user
- Select the organisation you would like the user to have access to (only applicable to MSP accounts)
- Click SUBMIT at the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up dialogue
You will receive the "User is already invited" error if the user has already been invited but hasn't accepted the invite yet.
Note: Users invited to a specific account will only have access to that specific account. Only users invited to the Main account are able to view and manage all MSP Organization accounts.
Delete a User
Any user can delete a user in the same account (MSP Org Admins can also do this for their managed Accounts) by navigating to this section, clicking on the More icon in the user list, and choosing the Delete User option:
Reset a Password
Administrators can reset a password for a user in the same account (MSP Org Admins can also do this for their managed Accounts) by navigating to this section, clicking on the More icon in the user list, and choosing the Reset Password option (see the screenshot above).
Disable a User
It is also possible to disable a user in the same account (MSP Org Admins can also do this for their managed Accounts) by navigating to this section, clicking on the More icon in the user list, and choosing the Disable User option:
Note: Disabled users can only be Deleted. To enable the user again, you will have to reach out to the Support team, as this option is not available yet.