Customer Support
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Kerio Connect disconnects from the AppManager with "4040: connect: connection refused" Error
Troubleshooting AppManager Health Check Incorrectly Showing Appliance as "Offline"
Why AppManager Allows Administrating the Appliances but Shows All of them Offline?
Resolving "Signature not yet current" error leading to Appliance Showing as Offline in AppManager
Resetting GFI Agent Integration with KerioConnect on macOS
See MoreWhat is Migrated if I Choose "New Migration" in Definitions>MyKerio Tab?
Migrating Shared Definitions from MyKerio
How to Migrate to or Get Started with AppManager?
How do I Migrate from MyKerio to AppManager if Kerio Doesn't Find Updates?
Can I Access the Appliance Locally After migrating to AppManager?
See MoreRemoving Appliance from AppManager
Why I Cannot Save New KerioControl Traffic Rules?
How can I Trigger the Appliance Sync with AppManager manually?
Reordering Kerio Control Traffic Rules from AppManager
Can I Restart Kerio Connect through GFI AppManager?
Is there a way to just disable or enable KerioControl VPN without editing the settings?
See MoreHow to Make the Best Use of the AppManager ATLAS Support Chat
How do I submit feedback about GFI AppManager?
GFI AppManager Release Notes and Known Issues
Why not all the selected date range is visible on Dashboard for the Migrated Appliance?
Dealing with GFIAgent process generating a constant high CPU load on KerioControl Appliance
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